
About Folquébec

A little history

It’s February 2000 – cold, grey, threatening to snow – when a small gang (about fifteen) from the Québec folk/trad scene makes its way to Cleveland, Ohio for the annual conference of the North American Folk Music & Dance Alliance. They travel by bus, by plane, by car, and sleep four (and sometimes more) to a room, bringing along their own food in order to save a few pennies at a time when the Canadian dollar was worth sixty-two cents American. They were immediately noticed for their enthusiastic presence; their « esprit d’équipe »; for the quality of their music or that of the artists they represented… and also for their spontaneous and vibrant « shows » in the halls of the conference hotel! Not long after, the phones began to ring : presenters wanting to know more about Québec folk artists, what genres of music could be found here, who was a « discovery », how to reach these talented folks and – Voilà! – in April of 2000, Folquébec, child of spirit, of tenacity, of collaboration and of goodwill, is born.


L’Association Folquébec is a Québec-registered not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and diffusion of folk music made in Québec. The organization takes the form of a consortium of people and businesses from the Québec folk music and dance community and includes artists, producers, managers, agents, recording and distribution companies who are dedicated to the artistic and commercial development of the genre. Our primary goal is to expand North American and international recognition of Québec folk music culture in all its abundance, quality and diversity. Folquébec activities are open to all members of the Québec folk community.


  • To stimulate the production, marketing, distribution and performances of folk artists at national and international levels;
  • To speak out on behalf of the folk music community by representing their concerns and interests to the public and to government
  • To inform our members of developments that could affect the folk industry in Québec
  • To establish and enhance the connection with the international folk music community through participation at conferences and festivals
  • To ensure communication via our online tools


  • To achieve our goal, Folquébec undertakes the following activities :
  • Ongoing networking and development of a strong, collaborative provincial folk community
  • Participation and representation at regional, national and international conferences of importance, in order to increase recognition of Québec folk music and dance outside of the province.
  • Conception, production of and accessibility to promotional tools that help maximize recognition of Québec folk artists.
  • Development of partnerships and projects with existing organizations and events that reflect our values and objectives


  • Future contracts for participating artists
  • Development of new audiences for artists presenting showcases
  • Direct contact with key presenters in target markets
  • Establishment of a global identity for Québec folk artists
  • An efficient means of communicating the diversity and quality of Québec folk artists
  • Development of crucial dialogues and exchanges between folk communities in each targeted market
  • Development of a strong network and team spirit within the Québec folk community

Conseil d’administration

Gilles Garand | SPDTQ / EspaceTrad
Geneviève Nadeau | La Compagnie du Nord
Patrick Darby | Productions Traquen’Art Inc.
Françoise Boudrias La Pruche libre
Élaine Lafond


  • Partenaires

    • MusicAction
    • Sodexport


L’Association Folquébec
1.514.234-1428 vox